Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Life! :D

The my life project was very fun to do. I liked looking at my old pictures. It brought back a lot of memories. I also liked looking at the other peoples project because I thought it was fun to look at their old pictures. It was my favorite project by far just because it was really fun for me to do. I wish we would have done more projects like this throughout the whole entire year. If we would have done more of these projects tech class would have been more fun and interesting. At least in my opinion. "I'm not as random as you think I salad"(quote from tech class 2011)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day! :)

We had a snow day today so for technology class we had to finish our music genome projects for homework and write a blog about what all we did. I had pretty much already finished my project so all i had to do was find a movie clip to put in my presentation. It was hard to find a way to end the presentation and find a good movie clip. Honestly at this time i still don't think I am going to keep the video I have. So i will most likely change it later today. So i am not completely finished with the project yet.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


We did the i-movie part of our project today. It was pretty fun to do. I was one of the 2 interviewers who had to interview the Technology teachers. Me and the other girl couldn't stop laughing during the whole thing. The editing of the interviews was a .ittle difficult though. Overall it was a fun and interesting project to do. And i think the final project turned out pretty good. But the fact at we had to do them about classes was boring. we should have been able to do it on what we felt like. It would have been more fun that way.


We did a storyboard for an i-movie  about our high school today.  It was just hard to come up with the ideas for the slides. The topic was Intermediate Technology Applications. We had to figure out how to describe the class in an interesting and fun way. But the storyboard was just a rough draft for the i-movie. So it was not too hard. It was just kind of boring to do. i think it would have been easier without the storyboard. It was easier with a group rather than by ourselves though. But it still was not very fun.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


We made a podcast of a movie in class. It was not that fun to me. The minimum time was too long. I didn't even make it to 2 minutes. and the minimum of 7 pictures was too many. I couldn't find many good pictures. I would probably not do another project like this unless i was forced. It was kind of boring, long, and hard.This pretty much the only project that we have done that i didn't like. This one was pretty difficult because of the high minimums as I stated before.  I wish that we didn't have to present them.