Friday, December 10, 2010

Name Art

We created name art and themed picture videos on i-photo. It was not that hard. Other than figuring out how to export the project to the teacher it was fairly easy. It took me a while to figure out what pictures to use for the letters. I found a lot of ones that would have worked but they were the wrong size.. Some that were too big I could crop to fit but, most did not crop enough to work. The rest was pretty  much just putting the photos and the song into i-phot to finish off the video. I thought this project was fun overall.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Charity Letter

We wrote charity letters in class. At first I was confused because I was not there the day before so I did not know exactly what we were supposed to be doing. Once I caught up and figured out what we were doing the letter was pretty easy to do. I had a few problems with mail merging but other than that the project was easy to do. I probably would have written the letter a little differently but other than that i would not have changed very much if not anything at all. Thanks to the people that helped me figure things out!


We did an M&M excel project in school. All we had to do was to separate the M&Ms by color and put them in excel, average them, and then make a pie graph. An upside to this project was that we got to eat the bag of M&Ms when we were done. It was a great way to start the morning. The only thing i would have done differently was to make the pie graph a little more interesting to look at. It looks kind of dull. Everything else was good and i would not have changed. Thank you to our teacher for buying the M&Ms!